Sunday, 26 May 2013

Happy Juice: Green Goddess

We all know that green fruit and veggies are good for us and there are so many fantastic green juice recipes out there to help us get our recommended servings of our greens. The “Green Goddess” is a recent invention of mine, and a fast favorite, with just the right blend of sweet and sour. 

It is inspired by my love of kiwi fruit which I have eaten since I was little. Mum often gave me one with the top cut off like a boiled egg and I would scoop the sweet and tart, juicy green fruit out with a teaspoon. They were a happy favorite in my packed lunch for school! I hadn’t had kiwi fruit juice though until I moved to Java, Indonesia and used to pass by a fantastic and cheap juice stand on my way to work. They had all sorts of fruits on offer to be whizzed up into a juice and kiwi quickly became my juice of choice most days as I went past.

The Green Goddess!

Kiwis are too expensive now here in Bali for me to make a pure kiwi juice very often so I thought I would create a new green juice recipe that included them. They really work wonders at balancing out the bitterness of the spinach. Give it a try as a delicious alternative from your regular green juice. I’ve added some milled flaxseed too to up the nutritional value of this juice even more (and it is tasteless), but you can leave it out if you prefer.

Nutritional benefits
Kiwis contain vitamins C, K and E, fiber and heart-friendly potassium.
Apples contain fiber, they fight the effects of aging on the brain, they reduce the risk of several types of cancer, decrease the risk of diabetes, lower cholesterol and can prevent gall-stones.
Pineapple contains vitamins A and C, calcium, fiber and strengthens gums and bones.
Spinach is nutrient dense, contains vitamins A, C, K, B2 and B6, magnesium, calcium and iron amongst other good stuff!
Flaxseed is high in fiber, contains anti-oxidants, omega-3fatty acids, B vitamins and magnesium.

2 apples (or a cup of apple juice)
1 kiwi fruit, peeled and diced
¼ medium pineapple, diced
1 cup of spinach
A good glug of orange juice (freshly juiced or bought)
1tsp milled flaxseed (optional)

Heart-healthy kiwi fruit, apples, English spinach and pineapple.

Extract the juice from the apples using a juicer. Then place the apple juice with all the other ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth or use a stick blender. Easy!
(If you prefer a less pulpy drink, extract the juice from the pineapple too using a juicer. Remember you lose a lot of the nutritional benefit doing this though).

The Green Goddess with an oatmeal, coconut and honey cookie! Great afternoon treat.

Bring out the inner goddess in you with this sweet, delicious and nutritious green juice! Heart-healthy goodness in a glass :)

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